Applying to become a Mason

At your request, you can apply to become a Mason. You will require two Masons from lodge to sponsor your application, members which will need to be completed very honestly and accurately. Those two proposers for your membership would have to have known you for at least one year.

Under normal circumstances, the proposal for membership would be presented to the Master of the Lodge. He would then nominate a committee to investigate the application. None of the committee would be allowed to be one who has signed as your sponsor.

Following an interview, the committee would each submit a report in their findings. If all findings are accepted, then a ballot would be taken. If that ballot is successful, you would receive a communication from the Secretary of the Lodge, and be invited to attend on a certain evening. If the ballot were not successful, the Secretary would communicate that information to you. In both cases, the communication would be sent through regular Canada Post mailing.